About Us

We are pleased to introduce our online database of IFSC codes. This website contains data and Business Identifier Codes for nearly a hundred thousand financial and non-financial institutions that are primarily used for money transfers (transactions) between banks or other institutions, particularly for international wire transfers, as well as the exchange of other messages.

We make every effort to keep this website current. Our main purpose is to make it simple to find and validate an IFSC code, as well as to stay up with other financial institution data (like entity names, office locations, etc). All of the information is offered without charge, and we hope that our efforts to collect and organize it are appreciated and useful to others. Please utilize the contact page by clicking here if you would want to contribute to our website.

isccodescript.com is a site that we are very excited to bring to you! A place where you can instantly find the IFSC (Indian Financial System Code). On the site, about 1 lac bank branches from around 150 institutions are currently listed. We take great care to make sure the data we’ve acquired is correct. However, we expect you to only use our website as a guide and to double-check any transactions with the bank before proceeding. On the same page as the IFSC code, you’ll find contact information for each bank/branch.

All intellectual property rights are reserved. This site’s use is governed by our Terms of Service and our Privacy Statement.
